Friday, January 8, 2010


The new decade! Well, of course, one could argue that the old decade won't be finished until the end of this year and you would be strictly correct. I think that is pedantic and to me this is the start of the tennies(?) or whatever it gets eventually called.

The last part of November and first part of December were a pain for me. I decided to move the SMSF to a new broker(Minc Financial) and felt the best way was to sell all of my positions and then shift the cash across. I didn't realise that AJADA was a deferred share, and so I had to wait a few weeks for the cash to settle. Also, I needed a new CMA. So effectively I was out of the market for over a month and had to start to build a new portfolio.

In any case, over the next 2 months I will be funding both the SMSF portfolio with extra cash and starting the Trust portfolio. The funds are from the proceeds of a business venture that has been a lot years in the planning. Position sizing is going to be a challenge while the accounts keep changing in size.

Both of the portfolios will be using Minc Financial as the broker, Macquarie CMT for cash and My PA Services for administration and portfolio management. Rosemary from My PAS looks after all the paperwork and I never see those bits of paper or do any trade or dividend entries - fantastic service. And at the end of the year, everything is completed for the accountants and it saves costs. The portfolio is available online 24/7 and you can trade from anywhere in the world and all of the admin is done for you.

I won't worry about the performance graph for December - it was basically flat.

Happy New Year to anyone following my blog!