HZN is a current open trade. Prices are bumping up against some significantresistance at 34c. Huge volume went through about 8 weeks ago. I like the look of it - but I also liked the look of BLY.
Just on your comment "but I also liked the look of BLY". When i first got into systems trading, i was looking at ways to exit trades if they haven't reached X% profit in N weeks. Have you looked at this sort of thing? My thinking at the time was that good trades usually go in your favour almost immediately.
I can't remember what the outcome of that research was but it couldn't have been great as I never incorporated the concept into the system.
I also recall some traders telling me that it was actually the trades that don't look that good and intially struggle that end up doing well for you. Now I see what they mean. NVT was less than 1c away from its stop and struggled for several months. Now its among my biggest open winners.
And good to see you have PMV. Its a champion. I got into it a few months back and I notice Stevo is in it as well.
I trade ASX shares as a business using my own trend following trading systems developed on the Amibroker platform.I aim to make an acceptable return on capital while acknowledging and managing the risks of being involved in the markets. I consider my investing style as considerably less risky than traditional buy and hold share investing. My first post on April 25 2009 outlines a little more of my trading history.
I am not promoting or selling anything and the views expressed here are my personal opinion and should not be taken as investment advice.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, "Press on," has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. Ours is not to say what should be, but to analyze and exploit what is "Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States
'Those who have knowledge don't predict. Those who predict don't have knowledge'.
Hi Plan_Trader,
ReplyDeleteIt looks like HZN is doing well for you.
Just on your comment "but I also liked the look of BLY". When i first got into systems trading, i was looking at ways to exit trades if they haven't reached X% profit in N weeks. Have you looked at this sort of thing? My thinking at the time was that good trades usually go in your favour almost immediately.
I can't remember what the outcome of that research was but it couldn't have been great as I never incorporated the concept into the system.
I also recall some traders telling me that it was actually the trades that don't look that good and intially struggle that end up doing well for you. Now I see what they mean. NVT was less than 1c away from its stop and struggled for several months. Now its among my biggest open winners.
And good to see you have PMV. Its a champion. I got into it a few months back and I notice Stevo is in it as well.
Hi Nizar,
ReplyDeleteI have tested many different ideas over the last 5 years and I have looked at these types of exits - none really helped much.
I agree, with weekly systems they need wiggle room. For example, using a 10% initial stop really hurts this system