Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SMSF Portfolio Performance Sept 09
It's been a very good few months - not too hard to make money at the moment. Market is due for a retracement. I have included my Open Positions for interest. Nothing sold in September.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Statistics SMSF July 09 - Aug09

Closed Trades

This is the first post of my results. The closed trades don't look very flattering, but the account is only three months old and in this start up phase only the losers have been sold. I have 9 open positions . I will also include a Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI)report. This measure is commonly used by hedge funds to give returns based on a value of $1,000 invested. I am going to use this as I will be adding funds to this account and VAMI is a good way of tracking the underlying performance. In trading terms, this is the increase in value of total equity, which includes open equity. In strict trading terms, a lot of traders don't count open equity. Even though I fully understand that open equity is a moving target, I am interested in the total value of my account. There is no leverage used in any of my trading.

Monday, September 7, 2009

BLY Exit - C'est la vie

C'est la vie is a french saying meaning "such is life". A fuller meaning is - life is harsh, get used to it. Or in my case, the minute I start to get comfortable with a trade it all turns to ****.

What happened ?- basically the directors decided to dilute the value of the company by issuing shares at 27cents. I did say " anything can happen" which proved prophetic.

On to the next trade .......